Cloud Computing Topics

Cloud computing is an evolving technology on which researchers across the globe have produced a major significant work. Since Cloud Computing provides a platform for data storage and maintaining large databases on virtual servers from where data can be accessed in real time, it is gaining the concern of researchers and IT students on how to advance it the cloud services. Thus a PhD is one best medium to enter into the research academia for the students and practise in the field of Cloud Computing reforming prominent theories and models.

Choosing a PhD topic in Cloud Computing, no doubt is cumbersome since it is a multidisciplinary academic field. A PhD researcher is expected to analyse, describe, and suggest supplements, virtualized resources, and delivery models in Information Technology. There are many research areas within Cloud Computing which involve both qualitative and quantitative research to bring forth charting innovative techniques. Following are the areas and PhD Topics in Cloud Computing requiring potential research:

  • An Idea on Developing Secure Resource Utilization and Load Balancing in PAAS based Cloud Computing Techniques.
  • Improving Cloud data security through Hybrid Verification Technique based on Biometrics and Encryption system
  • Privacy Preservation in Cloud Computing for user data through trust based mechanism.
  • An innovative IOT and Cloud Computing based health monitoring system with the aid of machine learning approach.
  • User Profiling System Design for Cloud Computing Security using Hybrid Cuckoo Search Algorithm.
  • Resource Scheduling Strategy in Cloud Computing with the aid of clustering and optimization algorithm
  • Cloud Computing Data based prediction of fault in power generators using mining algorithm and Artificial intelligence.
  • Improving cloud computing datacenter energy efficiency and security with the aid of optimization approach.
  • An efficient Network-Aware Virtual Machine Placement model in Cloud Computing using hybrid optimization techniques.
  • Optimization based QoS-Aware Task Scheduling in Cloud Computing.

We understand that it is challenging to commit on one topic on which you will do your PhD research and to figure out how much information is needed from the accumulated knowledge on that topic. Hence, it is better to take suggestions and help from the ones who are experts in doing the same. These PhD Topics in Cloud Computing, provided above, give you an idea of what type of PhD topics we formulate for our clientele. Enquire us today to know how we can prepare such a topic for you as per your requirement.

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