Computer Science Topics

The list of PhD topics in Computer Science is unbounded since the discipline is too broad offering multidisciplinary research as it spans from applied areas to theoretical ones. For a successful PhD research, there is a need to identify the more specialized interest to pursue and a refined topic for writing a thesis. The search for a research and thesis topic should be in a right direction because the doctorate is all about doing original research on a reliable thesis topic. Therefore, without thorough information about your interest and the topics, it is almost impossible to do extensive research.

The research topic selection is academically challenging for the student who is not an expert in the concerned discipline and recently embarked on the PhD journey. The dilemma students most often face is to understand how to make a topic reasonable: whether it should touch upon multiple research areas or should only be focusing on simple ideas and theories. We help hundreds of such students through our topic selection services under which our experts collaborate with them to synthesize and refine the information into a concise and unique research topic. Below are provided with the PhD topics in Computer Science formulated and suggested by our experts to demonstrate the quality of our work we deliver to our clients:

  • An efficient technique for risk assessment in component based software architecture using Clustering and classification.
  • Hybrid optimization-Fuzzy k means clustering based Software Reliability Prediction.
  • Software Fault Detection based Reliability Growth Modelling Using Enhanced BAT optimization algorithm.
  • Software reliability growth model prediction using Hybrid Dolphin Swarm Optimization approach.
  • Maintainability prediction of open source software using Adaptive genetic neural network.
  • Machine learning approaches for software reliability prediction with the aid of optimized clustering algorithm.
  • Premature Recital Analysis of Cloud Computing Services with profit optimization for Scientific Computing.
  • Sightseeing Interrogation Optimization Methods in Interpersonal Databases.
  • Optimization of Computer Network for Resourceful Enhancement using artificial intelligence.
  • Demonstration and Optimization for large scale data established on Hadoop.

For getting such a comprehensive PhD topic for your research, share your requirement and details with our experts by writing us to at We promise to deliver a list of well-researched, unique and customised topics from which you can choose any one which suits your research potential best.

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