Embedded Systems Topics

PhD in Embedded systems and technology combines the study of computer hardware and software within a device that is designed to perform a particular and constant function. Embedded systems are found in the functioning devices in electronics such as mobile phones, automobiles, and digital cameras, etc. PhD candidates in electronics and embedded technology combine and explore theoretical knowledge with laboratory work regarding the selection, adaption and development of hardware and software components. Once you become a doctorate in Embedded System, you are offered to pursue career as software developer, embedded system engineer, software engineer, embedded systems designer et al. or can become an academic researcher in the discipline. To become a doctorate, you must do a valid research in the concerned discipline and demonstrate your research skills through an influential thesis.

But what is the first step taken to initiate your research? It is the topic selection process in which you must do a preliminary research to formulate your research topic. This research enables you to explore and discover other topics and their relevance in the field of embedded system and technology before being completely committed to a topic. You can refer to latest research papers on embedded systems, ask supervisor to help you so or can seek professional help from the ones who are well-acknowledged with the latest researches done in the discipline. With qualified academic researchers as our team, we are here providing you with latest and reliable PhD topics in Embedded Systems:

  • IOT based alert system for public transportation regarding passenger requirement and availability
  • Real time task division in Processor based embedded system using sensor and machine learning.
  • An efficient Energy Prediction model for Solar-Energy-Powered Embedded Systems using Artificial Intelligence.
  • An approach on implementing GPS based embedded approach for Monitoring Endangered Species.
  • Real time embedded based system for monitoring the traffic condition for accident control.
  • An efficient soil moisture monitoring system for improvement in agriculture using real time embedded systems.
  • Analysis on Prediction of Deficiency in Plant with Incorporation of embedded sensor system and artificial intelligence.
  • Improving Node Security in Mobile ad-hoc network (MANET) by employing sensor nodes on clustered node centres.
  • An efficient embedded IOT based system to predict the traffic conditions for passenger route selection.
  • An innovative technique for waste management using GPS monitoring and data classification.

Whenever you begin your thesis, always make sure that the topic is manageable and clear enough to convey what research have you done to the reader, in clarity. Thesis and Code offers you the best of its research consultants to narrow your findings from preliminary research and formulate a clear PhD topic.

To reach our experts and get help with your research topic, drop us a mail at contact@thesisandcode.com.

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