Training Program

Whenever the use of a new technology, process, model or language is to be implemented in a study, there is always the need for a strong training program. A training program needs to be put in place that can teach the usage of the system.

Our company has been involved in the training and development field for some time now. We understand the differing needs in different research projects and tweak the courses so that they are suitable to these varying requirements.

We host many seminars on various topics. Many of these seminars are free of cost, and they are thrown open to anyone who wants to attend them. Students, technologists, faculty and researchers are equally welcome to come and learn. These programs are announced well in advance and registration can be done online. We have several initiatives for trainers to visit the campuses of academic institutions and train them on the basics of various kinds of technology. We share below our training schedule for this year:

S. No. Program Name From To Venue
1 MATLAB Fundamentals Aug 18,2020 Aug 22, 2020 Mangalore, India
2 Statistical Methods in MATLAB Sep 7,2020 Sep 10,2020 Chennai, India
3 Simulink for Algorithm Modelling Aug 12,2020 Aug 17,2020 Cochin, India
4 Integrating Code with Simulink Sep 2,2020 Sep 5,2020 Kozhikode, India
5 NS 2 (IEEE) Sep 12,2020 Sep 17,2020 Chennai, India
6 Seminar on Java Sep 11,2020 Sep 13,2020 Bengaluru, India
7 Core J2EE Nov 10,2020 Nov 21,2020 Coimbatore, India
  • Name:- Deepak Mehta
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    I am pleased to say a huge thanks to their expert team who made me learn a lot about the use of such complex software like MatLab Simulation.
  • Name:- Daniel Smith
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    You guys are truly a paramount in your Java Implementation and Domain Research service. Highly recommend Thesis & Code to all my peers.
  • Name:- Nandita Goswami
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    This was my second time that I hired your service and proved me again that my choice was the best. Thanks a million to you and your team.
  • Name:- Aditi Jain
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    Coding was always my weakest point and getting the perfect help at right time from you team really saved me from ruining my thesis. Thanks a lot Thesisandcode team!
  • Name:- Heena Verma
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    I must say their customer support service is excellent. Never have seen any service provider who offers such quick responses to their clients. Greatly impressed with you!
  • Name:- Ravi Shastri
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    I attended one of the training sessions they conducted a month ago, and gained much information about the use of software like NS 2, Java, MatLab, and Simulink.
  • Name:- William Thomas
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    Your free samples are very useful and informative. You guys are doing a commendable job. Looking forward to use more of your services in future!
  • Name:- Praveen Saini
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    Thesis & Code really impressed me with their amazing service quality, friendly behaviour and on-time delivery. I’m glad to have hired them!
  • Name:- Shivani Verma
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    One of the best services by the experts at Thesis and Code.
  • Name:- Sangeeta
    Rating:- fourpointfive
    Good one.....good for a bignner like me
Average Rating 2.50 / 5 based on 10 Testimonials
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